Alec Bradley Black Market
Handmade in Danli, Honduras the Alec Bradley Black Market cigars boasts a blend of Honduran Jamastran and Panamanian longfillers, Sumatra binder, and a Jalapa-grown Nicaraguan wrapper cured to a dark, shimmering patina. Cigar lovers can expect a medium-bodied, yet full-flavored smoke with stunning complexity and a head-turning aroma.
Presented in rustic-looking, gray crate-style boxes, Black Market takes Alec Bradley's packaging to new heights. The eye-catching boxes are well-built enough to serve as humidors, and will very likely be sought by collectors. Even the bands are atypical. Rather than using the traditional band at the neck of the cigar, the cigars are wrapped in paper sleeves that cover only the bottom half of each vitola. Once the sleeve is removed a band is revealed positioned in the middle of the cigar.
Wrapper: Nicaragua
Binder: Sumatra
Filler: Panama and Honduras
Strength: Medium Bodied