Ashton Small Cigars
The quality and consistency that have made Ashton cigars so respected and desired throughout the world is now the standard for Ashton Small Cigar Series. Made in the European Union, Ashton Small Cigars use an exquisite Central African tobacco for its wrapper and binder with Domincan fillers. The new Connecticut blend features a Connecticut wrapper with Dominican binder and filler. The distinctive character of Ashton Small Cigars will please you but should not surprise you. After all, it's made by Ashton.
Wrapper: Cameroon/Connecticut
Binder: Cameroon/Dominican
Filler: Dominican
Strength: Mild to Medium Bodied
Ashton Cigarillos Box 100 (10 Packs of 10 Cigars)
Ashton Cigarillos Connecticut Box 100 (10 Packs of 10 Cigars)
Ashton Classic Esquire (Maduro) Box 100 (10/10 Pack)