Highclere Castle
Continuing a long history of cigars, Highclere Castle has partnered up with Nicholas Melillo and Foundation Cigar Company for their debut premium cigar. The result is a cigar produced in small batches using the finest Connecticut Shade Wrapper with Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos, including an exclusive hybrid seed grown in Esteli, Nicaragua.
Wrapper: USA - Binder: Nicaraguan - Filler: Nicaraguan - Strength: Medium Bodied
Highclere Castle Maduro is hand-rolled in Esteli, Nicaragua, using the finest upper priming Habano Ecuador wrapper, and both Criollo and Corojo from the volcanic soils of Esteli, Jalapa and the island of Ometepe. The cigar is medium-bodied with elegant notes of cedar, light roasted coffee, and spice.
Wrapper: Ecuadorian - Binder: Brazilian - Filler: Nicaraguan - Strength: Medium Bodied