Romeo And Julieta It's A Boy/Girl
Smoking cigars is a time honored tradition with the announcement of a new baby. What better way to celebrate than the cigar named after the best love story ever told- Romeo y Julieta? The cigar is a Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real with that fantastic Connecticut Wrapper and highly flavorful Dominican/Nicaraguan fillers. You can feel confident that a premium cigar like this is more than enough to please everyone joining in the celebration. The Romeo y Julieta is classy and delectable encased in cedar liners with the "It's a Boy" (Romeo's) or "It's a Girl" (Julieta's) inscription, sealed in glass tubes. Congrats!
Wrapper: Connecticut Shade Ecuadorian
Filler: Dominican & Nicaraguan
Binder: Nicaraguan
Strength: Medium Bodied